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Charge 3rd  Violation of the 83rd Article of War

Specification 1st  In this, that the Bvt Capt. Joseph Groves 1st Lieut. V.R.C. did while acting A.Q.M. & C. S. at Selma Ala, issue or cause to be issued Short Rations, or less than the amount called for upon orders made by and ordered issued by competent Authority.
 All this at Selma Ala, on or about the 1st day of April 1867.

Charge 4th  Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.

Specification 1st  In this, that he, Bvt Capt Joseph Groves 1st Lieut, V.R.C. did aid and assist, William E. Parsons Jr. Citizen to avoid Military Arrest he knowing that such arrest had been ordered by Competent Authority.
  All this at, or near Selma Ala, on or about the 18th day of June 1867.