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Gainestown Clarke Co Ala
July 23rd 1864.

Maj Genl Wager Swayne 
Montgomery Ala

We the undersigned copartners, engaged in merchandising and farming, of and near Gainestown, most respectfully submit herewith this testimony of the freedman Christopher of "Ket" Odom, and to make the following statement and ask you particular consideration, and immediate action in the case.

About the middle of June last, the aforesaid Kit Odom came to us and stated that he and his former employer, (Mr Kenneth King in charge of the plantation in Monroe County, just opposite Gainestown Ldg, on Ala River) had had a differently from a comparatively trivial cause which he explained and that Mr King had drawn his pistol and ordered the said Kit to "leave", - he accordingly did so and came to us for employment. We told him that the rules of society could prohibit us from so doing, until we could hear from his former employer,

Kit stated that he had never had any written Contract with Mr King and would willingly await a reply to our note, as he presumed that he (King) no longer wished his services. We append a copy from memory of the first note, (Mr King has the original) also a copy of his reply. From the harsh language and threats which Mr King used, (as stated by the said Kil) be presumed if useful to return