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Testimony of the freedman Kit Odom
I do solemnly state that I commenced working for Mr. Kenneth King in the County of Monroe, on the first day of January 1867, in consideration of his promise to pay me one hundred and fifty dollars for the year.
During the month of April last, I requested Mr. King to give me a written contract and he declined to do it then, but promised to do it at a future day.

The 17th day of June without provocation to justify such action, Mr King with profane language and threats, drew his pistol, presented it in my face twice, and ordered me to leave his premises, - otherwise he would blow my brains out. I accordingly left and applied to Mess Smith & Lambard as set forth in their statement. On the 24th day of June I commenced working for the last named parties, and continued to do so peaceably, and without farther provocation than the fact of leaving Mr. King's premises more than a month previously -  The two brothers Kenneth & Nathan King entered the plantation, while at my work, and with drawn pistol, forced me to leave the plantation, and carried me about one mile from thence and with two long switches, then and there inflicted on my body numerous severe blows.

Mr. Kenneth King furthermore stated that I could live with any body else, but with repeated positive threats that if I cut another blade of grass for Billy Smith that he (King) would blow my damn brains out. They then released me, their threats remaining as above stated 
Kit his X mark Odom. 

Witness A.M. Callier
I certify that I have known the above named Kit Odom, and know him to be of good character and believe his statements, to be correct. A.M Callier