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of Lebanon except himslef and one other. 
§12 It was shown that the horse in controversy had a U.S. brand, Gilbreath would not decide the horse to be the property of Nicholson, and refused to give the horse to Sedberry, but said he would hold him as U.S. property and turn him over to the Government of the U.S. as government property. 
§13 Instead however, he turned him over as Sedberry is informed, to Nicholson, taking his receipt to have him forthcoming when demanded by the proper authority, and Nicholson has possession of the horse at this time, such is the information, he Sedberry receives and which he believes to be true. 
§14 Sedberry feels himself aggrieved by the ruling of Gilbreath, and is satisfied the horse never did belong to Nicholson; is thoroughly convinced of the truth of the statements made as to the way the horse was brought to the country, and knows of his own personal knowledge that he is not the horse Nicholson is paid to have lost, as he knew the Nicholson horse well, having lived for several years in the same village with Nicholson, and knowing the horse alleged to have been taken from him, for some two or three years, during which time had driven and rode him, and knows he id not the horse in controversy. 
§15 Sedberry, respectfully ask that he may have a rehearing of the said matter, that Major Genl Swayne will, if consistent with the usages of his Department