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Office Superintendent Bureau R., F. and A. Lands
Mobile, Ala. January 29th 1867.

Lieut J.F. Conyngham 
A.A.A. General 
Sub. District of Ala. 
Montgomery Ala. 
Notwithstanding your promise to bring Gen. Swayne's attention to my previous letters, and to send me the requisite orders giving me authority to remove a quantity of railroad iron belonging to the Bureau from Fort. Morgan, they have failed to arrive and the matter remains in status quo. It seemed, therefore, likely that the Gen. does not approve my action. Unless, however, the Bureau assumes possession of it shortly, it will be seized and appropriated by the Qr. Mrs. Dept. Relying upon the probability of getting the orders mentioned. I took steps some time since to get a portion of the iron collected ready for removal, and I am told that about thirty (30) tons are now ready, piled on the wharf. The Qr. Mr's. Dept. had now gotten their eyes upon it, and unless orders are issued  about it which the Post Commander at Fort. Morgan will respect, the Bureau will lose this property worth not far from one thousand dollars. The Qr. Mr's. Dept. never thought of taking responsibility in the matter until I moved in it and there is nothing more plain than the fact of the iron belonging to the Bureau under the Executive order of Nov. 11" 1865. The road to which it belongs was built by the Confederate Gov't, and the iron has been scattered about unclaimed, until my coming to this office