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All the facts about it have been fully presented in my previous communications on the matter, and I now request positive instruction either to let the thing entirely alone, or such authority to take possession of the property as will be respected by the Commandant at Fort. Morgan. 
If my discretion is not to be relied on, I think the amount of property involved would justify the sending of a special agent from Montgomery. At all events, I now consider my full duty accomplished in the matter, and I shall trouble you with no further letters on the subject. 
Will you be kind enough to acknowledge receipt of this letter, and advise me of the course designed to be taken. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
Geo. H. Tracy
Capt 15th Infty. Bvt Major U.S.A.
Supt. B.R.F. & A.L. Dist. of Mobile.