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Office Superintendent Bureau R., F. and A. Lands, 
Mobile, Ala. February 15th 1867.

Major General Wager Swayne
Asst. Com. B.R.F. & A. Lands
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to state that a case of small pox amongst the colord people has been reported at this office, the case being a colord woman who recently came from Columbus Ga. As it is not improbable that the disease may spread among the colord people, I request instructions as to what this office is expected or authorized to do either by itself or in the way of cooperating with the city authorities.
There has never been a Pest House connected with the Hospital at Dog River. Perhaps there might be some arrangement to have one there.
I have consulted with Dr. Kelly with whom the Bureau had an arrangement last winter. He deems it improbable that the disease will become epidemic this season, but wishes I should consult with the Mayor about taking care of colord cases, the city having no arrangement for such purpose, I have not thought it best to do this until I knew what authority I had.


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