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Mch. 1867

Hon. H. Wilson

1193 A (C) AUS 1867

Refers letter of Rev. H.M. Turner, late Chaplain 1st & 128th U.S. Cold Troops relative to the murder of several colored men in Georgia

W.72. March 7th 1867.

Respectfully referred to the Hon Secretary of War. I know the writer (a clergyman) to be a man of character and truth, and I think it is about time such outrages as he reports should be looked after. 

H. Wilson
Genl in Chief

Rec March 7th 1867

Respectfully referred to General Grant.

By order of the Secretary of War 
LH Pelong
Asst Adjt Gen.

War Dept
March 7 1867

Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj Gen John Pope Comdg 3d District.

By Command of General Grant
Geo. K. Gert
A.A. Gen.

Hdqrs Aus Mch 30. 67

[[stamp]] HEAD QUARTERS RECEIVED MAR 7 1867 A.U.S. [[/stamp]]

Hd Qrs 3d Military District
Montgomery Ala
April 6,/67

Respectfully referred to Genl Swayne Comdg District of Alabama

Jno Pope
Bvt Maj Genl.

Transcription Notes:
Edited Any guesses on name next to the National Archives stamp? Jno Pope