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which allegations she verified bu her own oath, and the additional fact proven, that Price had furnished nothing whatever to these, children for fourteen months; but this also was decided against her, and the children remanded to Price, she having heavy costs to pay being the unsuccessful party.
Section 1215 Code of Ala was an enactment made in 1852 before the emancipation of slaves, and without any reference whatever to the changed states of the Freedmen, as it was in existence oppressiveness of this Law as it stood in the Code, was fully acknowledged by the first Genl Assembly of Ala, that met after this new relation had been created, providing that the apprenticeship should be made without the consent of Parents first had.
But unfortunately as these children were apprenticed before the passage of that wise law, Adeline is technically excluded from its operation. Yet General she begs at your hands that its benefits be made applicable to her case, for she claims that she is wrongfully and cruelly deprived of the care and services of her children while they are held to an involuntary servitude not for crime nor for pauperism. These children have no other guardian or friend that their mother The where abouts of their father if he be living, is unknown, and she therefore is their only protector, and under all right and justice