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Office Superintendent Sub. Asst. Com. Bureau R., F. and A. Lands, 
Mobile, Ala. April 15th 1867.

Major Genl. Wager Swayne
Asst. Com. Bu of RF & A.L.
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to report that during several days past, there have been disturbances and incipient riot in this city owing to difficulties connected with the assertion of right on the part of colored people to ride in the street cars on the same terms with other people.
These disturbances culminated yesterday in a slight collision between white and colored people in which clubs were used and brick bats thrown and a few slight injuries inflicted upon two or three colored and white persons.
The facts of the whole matter, as nearly as I can recolect [[recollect]] them are as follows: - Last Friday (12" inst) Mr W. W. O Turner, a lawyer in this city, reported at this office that a colored woman had been ejected from a street car on the St. Francis Street line, and with abusive violence. He stated that, at an interview with yourself, he had been informed that I had full power to act in all such cases, and asked me what I would do about it. I replied that 

Transcription Notes:
edited: per SI ignore archive stamp, removed, other corrections, completed transcribing the page