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by Farley and others, because the witnesses who could testify in the matter were themselves arrested and arraigned, as the affidavits state. The white testimony proved that one pistol was fired but person firing it could not be ascertained.
I did not ask the remission of fines in any case except that of Margaret Mitchell because, to say teh least, the conduct of the colored peoples has been, to a great extent, unwise and indiscreet, and I did not wish to give encouragement to any similar ebullitions. The conduct of the Mayor, it seemed to me, was all that could be asked or expected. He gave instructions to have all the white parties concerned arrested, and, as it will be seen by these affidavits, the man Torrance was the only one that could be identified, and his identification rested entirely on colored testimony. (I have previously stated that Torrance was "a disreputable loafer" and I had accepted his conduct as sufficient evidence of the statement but I have since been told that he is considered here a person of tolerable position and considerable wealth). The conduct of the City Police, as I have stated before, was in my opinion exceedingly discreditable.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
Geo H. Tracy
Capt 15th Infty Bvt Maj. U.S.A.
Sub. Asst Commissioner