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drew out a pistol saying that if he said Thomas came into the Car he the said Farley would blow out the brains of said said Thomas. Then as Thomas was proceeding to step into the car and he was knocked down by one Thomas Terrance and that [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the white people immediately commenced throwing Brickbats at the colored people, and the colored threw some of said Brickbats in return at the whites.  That he [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] was standing in the middle of the street and taken hold of by a policeman and told by said policeman to leave the place, That he was standing on the sidewalk and he was Struck by a white man with a Brick and he returned the Brickbat but failed in hitting the white man and immediately left. That on the next morning on Entering the Mayors Court he was arrested and fined fifty Dollars the charge made gainst him being that of Disorderly conduct and trying to incite a Riot.

Subscribed & Sworn to 
before me this 19th Apl 1867
John McDonald
Justice of the Peace of
Mobile County}

George his X mark Crawford