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Ladiga Ala
May th 1867

To the Agent of Freedmans Bureau
Montgomery Ala 

Dear Sir
I wish to make some enquiry to you in Regard to a Freedman in my settlement One Mr. Sords of Cherokee Co Ala near me has a Negro by I have the Mother of child hired this year. She has Demanded the child several times but he Refuses to give him up & still Retains the boy as he did before he was Freed. I went myself to Mr Sords with this Freedwoman & Demanded said boy. But Mr Sords Refuses to give him up I want to know what do in the case I promise to asst the woman in procuring her child if Posible. My Residence is in Cleburne Co Ala Ladiga is my address. Please inform me in Reply how I am to Proceed all the Facts above stated I am able to prove.
I Remain yours
Tho's D. Treadaway

Thomas D. Treadaway

Transcription Notes:
I can't figure out the name of the county mentioned near the top. It doesn't seem to match any current or former Alabama county names. It's Cherokee