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Personally appeared before me Brt. Maj. Thomas H Norton U.S.A Sub Asst. Comr. Bu R.F. & A.L, Richard Higgins Freedman who being duly sworn deposes and says that he resides at Whistler Ala. Six miles north of Mobile, is the father of a male child named Lee. Twelve years of age, who is at present in the custody of John Higgins, the son of deponents late owner, who lives at Macon Miss. that said Higgins has had possession of this boy since the close of the late war, that about the beginning of the present year Higgins wrote to deponent that he would retain the child during the absence of deponent, promising to properly care for and educate the child. deponent learns that Higgins has failed to fulfil this promise, but on the contrary is making every use of the boy's time in the cultivation of his lands. deponent left Whistler Ala. for the purpose of visiting Macon to recover this boy, whom he intends to place under the care and protection of an elder brother, a mechanic in good circumstances living at mobile, and who is abundantly able and willing to properly support and educate the child.
Arrived at Meridian, Miss, the funds of deponent became exhausted and he now solicits aid from the Military authorities to accomplish the objects above explained
Richard his X mark Higgins

M. Withers