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belief it is best left to the action of the communities when it exists; they alone can interpose the proper checks to its increase, and can adopt such measures as will lessen and tend to dissipate it. To such an extent has pauperism been favored in this city that it is a clearly ascertained fact that paupers have come from other places far and near to live on the charity of the Government here. They locate around the city in wretched habitations, draw the supplies given them, and make no effort to better their position. These people are generally white, though a few blacks, perhaps mostly decrepit castaways thrown of by former masters, are in this class.
Believing therefore, that a continuance of these supplies from Government would be injurious rather than a benefit I can but recommend their discontinuance.

Very Respectfully
Your obedt. servant,
Geo. H. Tracy
Captain 13th Inf., Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
Sub-Asst. Commr.