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twelve months. Very near one years have elapsed before the commencement of prosecution or finding the Bill. Made such flimsy pretexts as there this boy who is now in Jaol will have to lie there all winter at the expense of the courts because he is unable to give the required bail bond. Then come into court next spring when these Indictments will melt before the law and the facts like snow before the sun. I thought that simple Justice demanded this at my hands That you should be made acquainted with the facts. The cause for the alleged offence occured at Daniels own home It was about [[?]] oclock late at night. These parties came there uninvited accosted &  assaulted him. What he did I think was to relieve himself & his family of them. If you should desire it I can submit you the written evidence as taken down at the time
I trust you may find it consistent with you duty to grant him relief. 
Very Resptfuly & Truly Yours
J.W. Tomas
Justice of Peace
To Maj Genl Wager Swayne