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Notice!! Spirited Away!!! "I will a Tale Unfold."
ALL persons whatsoever, are WARNED, not to entice, persuade, or "Spirit away" or "cheat lie, and steal," one F. G. C. by name Laura, (the apprentice of the subscriber) who "absented" 5th inst., under the following extraordinary circumstances, to-wit; said apprentice, having been sent "up town" Tuskegee, Ala., per order subscriber, to Post, Printing, and Locksmith office, and bearer of 64 ox. (1/2 gall.) of buttermilk, to honoured friend ! and having discharged faithfully the several duties, pertaining to these ministrations, undertakes "to return hither" "to home," when she is met on the way by his satanic majesty, and I take it, is either lost, stolen, or spirited away," miscrabile dictu ! as above indicated ! "The hue and and cry is raised"! search is made by subscriber and such other aid as happens to be at hand. out of 19 or 20 servants, more or less, &c., "ah sad to tell!" my locks and keys, my mail and buttermilk, "are gone glimmering"! who can tell? &c.: I the subscriber having cared for and protected her ever since she was born.
Descriptfon :--N. B. Said F. G. C., by name Laura, is of mulatto complexion, about 7 years old, and so many feet and inches high, 'as a duck is to a June bug," &c. Wherefore, inveigle not nor entice away, nor "keep forcibly," under the heaviest penalties," known to the municipal laws of the realm, &c. J.M. VASON. 
Tuskegee, Ala., Feb.--1867-3t.

ESCAPED from service, ''viis delectantibus,'' one Freedwoman by name Margaret, (the hired servant of subscriber,as cook, washer, and ironer,) having entered into contract with her 1st Jan., of this year of our Lord and day of grace, for 12 months, and contract approved at head quarters.
Said Freedwoman absconded, by ''vamoosing the ranche,'' and flitting off, at the small hours of the night of 5th inst., by the light of my star candles! ah horrible relate! ''The very box is left" empty ''and desolate''-''who threw that rotten?'' Echo answers, who! ''Aided and assisted, and accessory to the fact, heinous offence by some person or persons unknown, charged, with the spirit of the devil! and armed with six double barrel revolving guns! ''Ah! it was enough to make night hideous,'' &c.
Description:-N. B. Said freedwoman, was of mulatto complexion, about 35 years old, tall at least five feet six or eight! without the heels! looks intelligently, seems much younger in years than villainy, might easily be mistaken ''for a very decent, honorable person'' &c. She carried off with her my feather bed and bedding, and calico truck, etc., and also sugar, coffee, candles, soap, flour, &c.,) ah! mournful to behold!!! ''leaves not a track behind.'' All persons whatsoever are warned and forbid, either in or out of the state, or elsewhere,&c., either to employ, decoy away, or entice ''under false pretenses,'' said freedwoman Margaret, under the severest penalty fo condign punishment visited by head of Freedmen's affairs &c. ''Noli metangere,'' etc.
N. B. Any information respecting her whereabouts will be thankfully received and suitably rewarded. J. M. VASON.

Notice! Lost or Stolen!!
MY Paper writing! and Lost Deed! cancelled and stored away. ''ab archivis,'' and abstracted from, forcibly, it needs must have been, since the cancelled deed was preserved only as a memento of the folly, as well as munificent liberality of the donor, the subscriber! yclept, the cause of the ''good lost cause,'' and of ''orphans' asylums'' for minors of deceased Confederate soldiers, was very near my heart, and I the subscriber bequeathed conditionally, and the condition not having been complied with, nor set about, to be undertaken, ''for out of the mouths of sucklings shall reason discourse,'' &c.
Wherefore, the Donation, like deed the first, the cancelled, or dead deed, must and shall be restored- ''corporationes absquae animis" "Dale, meam pecuniam, materealiam realiter,"-- "legibus compulsis," &c. Stop thief! restore property! J. M. VASON.
Tuskezee,Feb. 1867.

For the Tuskegee News
"In medias res, tutissimus, ibus."
"There is safety in mediocrity."
"Non compos mentis"!!!
"This is the question."
The good people of Tuskegee Ala, and the balance of mankind generally are most respectfully solicited and invited to withhold(hold a bit, rein in their steed, of tattle and and other small talk, which smacks of slander) while I shall in a spirit of all Christian fortitude and forbearance, endeavor by taking the only step manifestly indicated. to my mind in the absence of overt and open acts of hostility. and direct insults, administered, "ad hominem" &c., reserve the expression, of their more decided opinions, and verdicts, upon the very interesting subject, in the regard that certain learned* (see note) sects, of Saducee, pharisee, and other abominable Idolatrous persuasion are of one mind, "nemine disciente," and insists, distinctly That your communicator, is a d-n fool, or condemned, but not yet recorded, in the Books, as a true, independant, fixed, fact, incontrovertible? "Sed Temperaliter" &c.,
Therefore the world of mankind, with whom he (the Subscriber) has been proposing fluteringly to transact, conclude business and settle business affairs and establish business relations and are notified   That your communicator, will ''instanter'' per se and not ''amicitiae propriae'' and, call upon his Honour - in Chambers, with jury, summoned sworn and empaneled! and witnesses, attending to try the true merits and righteousness, of the cause, and oh! may kind heaven forefend, that right, not might nor vituperation either, shall decide and., ''Cease viners you gnaw at a file"  "Fiat