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forbearance, endeavor, by taking the only step manifestly indicated, to my mind in the absense of overt and open acts of hostility. and direct insults, administered, "ad hominem" &c., reserve the expression, of their more decided opinions, and verdicts, upon the very interesting subject, in the regard that certain learned* (see note) sects, of Saducee, pharisee, and other abominable Idolatrous persuasion are of one mind, "nemine disciente," and insists, distinctly That your communicator, is a d--n fool, or condemned, but not yet recorded, in the Books, as a true, independant, fixed, fact, incontrovertible ? "Sed Temperaliter" &c.,
Therefore the world of mankind, with whom he (the Subscriber) has been proposing flateringly to transact, conclude business and settle business affairs and establish business relations and are notified That your communicator, will "instanter" per se and not "amicitiae propriae" &c., call upon his Honour----in Chambers, with jury, summoned sworn and empaneled ! and witnesses, attending to try the true merits and rightousness, of the cause, and oh ! may kind heaven forefend, that right, not might nor vituperation either, shall decide &c., "Cease vipers, you gnaw at a file" "--Fiat justitia, ruat Coeluun &c.,
Tuskegee, Ala., Feb.--1867.
N. B. See* in text.--The first of these vituperating sects, vociferate! and propose to inaugurate proceedings &c., because, they anticipate and cherish the hope, not to become gangrened, in their bosoms, which is father to the thought, that they shall feast and fatten upon, annotator's very anatomy, his carrion carcasel; and eat out his very vitals and.,--or subsist upon, the sacred recollection of his flesh pots,--before he ''went up spout'' and., ''A feast of reason and a flow of soul'' truly!
fit only to be consecrated to the sacred manes! for the Gods--!!!--
The second become restive and hurriedly and precipitately, proclaim, because, they propose unto themselves in all the consoling thought of this self righteousness, to forestall public opinion, on account of the transpiring or about to be, of things, circumstances events and times which were and are not,--which may not be, and must not,--and lastly, which are as though they were, and consequently, AM-"Quod erat demonstrandum" and.,
The third and last abominable sect, of most abominable Idolators, give a deep groan or grunt, or sigh sympathetically--a decidedly guttural and not labial(for it would turn to poison, on their lips) give vent to their dove like cooing--advances of expression, by already, violating  the--th mosaic commandment.
"thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods"
(hopes, defered again, and buried)--"nor thy neighbors maid servants," as per advertisement runagress and refugess. Finally all of these various sorts and variegated sects and consequently inharmonious, being operated upon, by wicked and malignant spirits, the ethereal fluid of either old king alchohol, or his satanic majesty, and charged, with delectable unction, and great display of fire works, and "let loose and come down" upon the devoted head of your martyred translator in Hebrew of other people's thoughts, fulminate their thunderbolts, dart lightning athwart the circumscribed sky, of their horizen! ~~~~~ strike my very name and place into nonentity, leave not a trace behind" and, Scissors!!!----what a flash-- 
These first Conspire, attire, then retire and slink away--like any other venomous reptiles, with forked tongues, to commit acts of self destruction by swallowing, their own venomous saliva, and seek to destroy, what they themselves never can, nor could possess "to haveand to hold"' and., Eclept by a vapor, a breath. word, a thought which fits in the imagination, or finally commits overt acts of doing the very deed, and destroying a part of God's own heritage the Mind, which trusts in God fervently, and earnestly, and loves his neighbor as himself and his enemies too, your communicator, and humble servant to command, and.  The Mind and Soul, the immortal part of ONE who trusts in God with all his mind and soul!
       J. M. VASON.
Tuskegee,Ala., Feb., 1867.

Transcription Notes:
finshed until first break