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L. 13

Office Sub. Asst. Com. B. R. F. & A.L.
Montgomery, Ala March 13th 1867

To the Judge of Probate
Mason Co. Ala Tuskegee Ala.

Will you please inform me "immediately" if you have apprenticed "according to the Laws of Alabama" two children by the names of "Jane and Columbus" to Mr [[Stairy?]]
Also if you have apprenticed three children by the names of Lura, Jonsdon and Jessy to Mr Adcockes, The father of these children is named "Alick Smith himself and children formerly belonged to Mr. Henry Smith

I am Ver Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
LJ Whitney
Lieut 40th U.S.I.
Sub Asst. Comg.