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said children did not wish to leave Mr. Starr,
Shown to and subscribed this the 21st day March 1867.          
A,, Bedell
Columbus, son of plaintiff

Being duly sworn answers that he was present when his father the plaintiff made a contract with Mr. Starr for him Columbus, and Jane to labor for the
said Starr for this year 1867 from about the last of Feb. 1866,said Columbus is satisfied and willing to live with the said Starr. He does not wish to go or live any where else, that he is the son of Plaintiff Alx. Smith, Columbus answers that he is said to be 15 or 16 years old,[[strike through]] that he was informed that he was born after the marriage of his parents. He does not now how long they have been married[[strike-through]] is informed that hs brother is about one year older than himself.
Sworn to and subscribed this the 21st 1867
Columbus  his mark Smith

Peyton Givens
Being duly sworn answers that he lives with Mr. Starr. He states that he heard Mr. Starr and Aleck Smith make a contract by which two of the children of said Smith were to labor for the said Starr until