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Christmas of the present year. Said contract was made some time in February last. Said Starr was to pay said Aleck Smith seventy five dollars for Columbus, feed and cloth him and fifty dollars for Jane, feed and clothe her & Witness is fifty three year old.

Cross x states that he never was sworn in court before. He states that he has sworn to nothing but the truth.

Sworn to and subscribed this the 21st 1867
Peyton his X Mark Givens

Aleck Smith - Plaintiff - 
Being of duly sworn answers that he never contracted  with Mr Starr for him to keep his children - Columbus and Jane - He had a conversation with Mr. Starr.  He told him he had a notion of contracting them to him but he didn't do it.  The reason he didn't so it was that he got to studying about how he (Starr) had treated him, in the old contract, that is the first one made for this year, that was made about Christmas. He lived with Mr Starr last year. He has not made but one contract with Mr. Starr this year. He (Starr) suffered John Adcock to come inside the yard to the door and presented his pistol and dared him to put his hands on his son Jesse. After that he claimed protection from Mr. Starr and he (Starr) failed to protect him.