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He states that he told Mr. Starr that if 
the children, Columbus and Jane 
wanted to live with him for the 
year. They might do [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]].  He states that, 
Mr. Starr told him, on the morning 
they talked about hiring Columbus 
and Jane, if he would go to Auburn 
and poke the law on John Adcock 
(who presented the pistol to him ) he would 
back him in it. Witness refused to go.
Jesse wanted his clothes from witness, 
and witness refused to give to him and 
then John Adcock drew his pistol and 
told witness if he witness laid his 
hands on Jesse he would blow 
his brains out. Witness replyed he 
said Starr, when witness said the 
children Jane and Columbus 
might live without him if they 
wished, promised to give him 
, witness, Seventy five dollars for 
Columbus and fifty dollars for 
Jane. Witness states his children 
don't want to live with him 
because he witness is too hard on 
them, that is the reason Mr. Adcock 
drew the pistol on him.

Witness states that the children say he 
is too hard upon them because he 
wont conceal their faults or what 
they did.

Sworn to and subscribed this the 21st 1867.
Aleck Smith [[+]] his mark

Transcription Notes:
Seems to me that there is a name, either Jesse or Jane, that is the same name but being transcribed differently in different contexts. Jesse is referred to on the previous page (pg 16 of 270). I believe Jesse is separate from Columbus and Jane.