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[[left margin]]Cadle[[left margin]]
War Department
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Washington D.C., April 20, 1867
Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
Asst. Commr. BRF&AL
Montgomery, Ala.
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States]]

Referring to Inventory and Inspection Report forwarded by your[[?]] Head-quarters on 12th inst. you are respectfully informed that as the property pertains exclusively to the Quartermaster's Department, USA, it has been recommended that the report be forwarded to the Quartermaster General USA, for his information and for such action as he may deem proper to take -
Attention is respectfully invited to the enclosed copy of Circular No. 15 of Apr 10. 1867 from these Head-quarters.
By command of
Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard
Henry M Whitteley
Bvt Maj. General
Commr BRF&AL.