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Emanuel, Rasmus, Green & Stephen, Freedmen
[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States[[Stamp]]
J. A. Shingleur

Emanuel swears that the plff contracted to work with the deft during the year 1866. for one fourth of the cotton crop; that deft was to furnish everything necessary to carry on the farm, also 1 peck of meat, 1 qt molasses and 2 1/2lbs bacon per week for each "hand". Affiant says that deft withheld 1/2th the bacon per "hand" per week for seven months.
Affiant says that plffs made thirty seven bales of cotton 1/4 of which weighing 4.022 lbs also two hundred and ninety two and a half bushels of cotton seed. That deft was to sell the cotton at Columbus Ga about the 26th day of Jan'y 1867. That cotton was at that time selling for twenty six cents per lb at Columbus, Ga, free of tax. That deft was to meet plffs at Columbus about the last of Jan'y and have a settlement with them, but that he failed to meet them, and that he still neglects or refuses to settle with the plffs.
The above statements were fully substantiated by six other witnesses.
Witnesses all say that defts mule was killed by the accidental falling upon a snag.
Respectfully submitted
R. J. Smith
Sub. Asst Commr