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Columbus Geo
Apl 13 1867

Dr Sir
The undersigned  freedmen made a written contract with G.A. Shingleur of Russell County Ala to work with him for the Year 1866 for which later they were to receive one [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] fourth of the cotton crop made on the place and to furnish us pr week two & a half pounds of meat & one quart of molasses, each hand. We state that we faithfully worked during the Year and made 37 Bales of Cotton, confiding in the promises of Mr Shingleur to pay us when he sold the cotton We per[[mitted]]

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: I am reopening this document for editing, as it contains over 6 [[??]] in the transcription. A transcription should not be marked as Complete and ready for review if there are more than 2 [[??]]. I was able to identify 5 unknown items. There are 4 more. Please, do not close for review until at least 2 of these have been transcribed. Allow other transcribers to give this a try! 1st [[??]] = written 2nd [[??]] = one fourth [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] 3rd [[??]] = 4th [[??]] = milk 5th [[??]] = 6th [[??]] = 7th [[??]] = confiding 8th [[??]] = 9th [[??]] = permitted