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Chambers Co Ala
May 27th 1867

Maj Gen Wager Swayne

Sir about the beginning of the war I had turned my attention to Fruit growing as a source of pleasure and amusement. Now I must turn this Fruit into a source of profit for the support of my family.
You will please inform me in what way I can protect myself from the depredations of the Freedmen. My Plum and Cherry orchards were stripped of all the ripe fruit in them yesterday. I know nearly all the partys. What is the remedy they steal from me at night and out run me if I see them in the day time. 

I do not wish to commit any unlawful act but I wish to be protected in my property I need the fruit for the support of my family you will please awnser this letter at West Point Ga as I live near that place and give me full instructions how to act. I may refer you for my Carracter to Mr Lee Scott and Mr Winter of your place

very Respectfully &c
Thos. J. Winston