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Murder of freedmen, since that date. There have been but a few applications to revoke indentures of apprenticeship under General Orders No. 3 and these, the Judges of Probate, at my request, have always complied with.

There is no provision made by any of the Counties of my District for the support of their poor.

There have been thirty three (33) applications for pay and bounty of discharged colord Soldiers made out of this office, and forwarded to Washington since the 1st of January 1867.

The Corn sent by the Southern Famine Relief Commission for the County of Montgomery was distributed by me for the month of May 1867 to four hundred and twenty white and four hundred and eighty three colord persons.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
L.J. Whiting
Lieut 45th U.S.I. and
Sub Asst. Commr