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on the Freedman appeared, and a "Judgment nisi", was taken against them both. Before the next term of the Court a nother was served upon Brook, to appear and show cause why said "Judgment nisi" would not be made final as the law directs. Mr Brook did not appear nor did the Freedman, and the Judgment was made final. I offered once to Mr Brook to delay the matter in order to give him a chance to get the Freedman and bring him up to trial as he had stated to me that he knew where he was, and could probably get him. Mr Brook has never made his appearance in Court in accordance with his Bond or in any other way; has never asked to be relieved, and has treated the Court with apparent, though I do not charge, intentional disrespect. There is no power in this Court to set aside any of its final judgments, but, even now, if Mr Brook would appear and show that the Judgment ought not to have been given against him, I would cheerfully sign a recommendation to the Governor of the State to relieve him from the payment of the Forfeiture, which is the only method known to the law of the State. I do