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Organization-of whom composed,...5
Organization approval of...5
Time of Meeting-Quorum-Officers-Vacancies,...6
Order of Business,...7
Executive Committee-Duty of,...7
Attending Committee-Duties and Qualifications of,...7
Attendance of Members-Failure of,...8
General Rules and Regulations as to Depositorts...9
Business Hours-Principal Office-Branches,...9
Deposits-Amount of-Where taken-Unclaimed,...10
Dividend-When Declared,...9
Pass Books-Payments to Persons Holding-Loss of,...11
Trustees-Receive no Pay,...11
Special Deposits,...11
Rules for Conducting Bank Business at the Branches,...12
Deposits-How Entered on Book and Pass-Books...12
Deposits-Made by "Guardian," or "In Trust,"...12
Signature Book,...12
Drafts-Pass of Deposit Book Presented,...13
Transfers-How Made-Blanks-Cards,...13
Exchange Account,...14
Administration-Manner of Procedure,...14
Reports-Weekly-Monthly-When Made,...14
Lost Books,...14
Cashiers-Detailed Bill of Expenses,...15
Inspectors and Field Agents,...15
Actuary-Procure Roll of Advisory Committee,...14
" -Correspondence with...15


The following Rules and Regulations are intended as general hints to the various Agents of the Bank in the discharge of their duties.

It is desirable to secure a degree of uniformity in action, but not to preclude such improvements, or shorter and surer methods of reaching results as experienced may suggest.

The Charter and By-Laws are not reprinted in this book, as they are found in the Manual with which all our Branches and Agents are supplied.

Washington, Oct. 15, 1867.