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Branch; to make careful examination of the books; to see that all moneys received and disbursed are properly entered and accounted for; that the balance in Bank and the funds in hand agree with the amounts as stated in the books, and to certify to the facts in a book which shall be kept for that purpose, known as the Attending Committee's Book. Provided, however, that at least one member of the Committee for each month shall be, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, qualified for the duties to be performed, and such variation from the previous provisions of this rule as shall secure such representation may be allowed, and when any member may not be able to clearly understand the examination, it shall be the duty of those more favored, associated with him, to fully explain the same.


If any member shall fail to attend the meeting of the Advisory Committee, or to perform the duties devolving on him as a member of any of the Committees for the space of three successive months, without excuse satisfactory to he Advisory Committee, he shall be considered as having resigned his position.

These Rules may be altered or amended by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee of any Branch, and approved by the Agency Committee.

1. The principal office of the Company in Washington shall be open daily, Sundays and Holidays excepted from 10 o'clock A.M. to 2 o'clock P.M.
The branch office at , shall be open for the reception of deposits and the transaction of business generally, on of each week, excepting on Holidays, from o'clock A.M. to o'clock P.M.
2. Deposits of One Dollar, or more, may be received, provided the same be in Specie or National Currency, or the equivalent of the latter; and payments will be made in like manner, at the option of the Company.
3. On making the first deposit, each depositor shall be required to subscribe to the regulations and By-Laws of the Company, thereby signifying assent to the same; and shall also give a descriptive list of himself or herself, which shall be taken at the time of the first deposit.
4. The Company shall be at liberty to return the amount of all or any part of the deposits, whenever they may think proper, or to refuse to receive the deposit of any person, whenever they may deem it expedient. This rule is to prevent unworthy or improper persons from enjoying the benefits of the Company.
5. On the third Monday of January and July, in every year, there shall be declared and paid such Interest as the profits of the Institution will allow, not exceeding seven per cent, on all sums of five dollars and upwards, which shall have been deposited for the space