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Office Bureau of R F & A L 
Demopolis Ala Jan 8 1868

O.D. Kinsman 
Sub Asst Comr 
Montgomery Ala 

I am informed that Capt P.E. O Connor late A A Q M & A.C.S. at this post, has in his possession five or six hundred pounds of bacon remaining from one of the lots sent here last Spring for the relief of Destitutes. There are several cases of destitution in this vicinity which this bacon would greatly relieve. And I would recommend that it be issued here

I am Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant  
Pierce Burton
Civ. Agent &c

Transcription Notes:
the city is Demopolis but it looks like a's are written? Changed to Demapolis to Demopolis, cursive o seems to matches o's in the rest of the letter The writer brings his lowercase "o" back to the line, similar to a lowercase "a." (Ex. See "Colonel" & Montgomery)