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Copy of Telegram. "Sub District of Mobile. "Bureau of R.F and A L. "Mobile, Ala. Febry. 12th/68. "Major Geo Shorkley A.A. General. Montgomery. Ala. Eight of Matt. Ellitts Farmer's boiler in Mobile. Capacity Twenty five to fifty gallons. No Motts. (Signed) James Gillette Bvt. Maj. U.S.A. "I have been at all the Hardware Stores in the City and have found a number of Agricultural boilers stamped Mott. Ellitt but could find none of Mott's nor did any one know of them. The Mott Ellitts boiler have stove attachments - are warrented to boil in (36) thirty six minutes and can be purchased for one dollar per gallon capacity. Very respectfully Your obdt. servant. James Gillette "Capt. 15" Inf. Bvt. Maj. U.S.A. "Sub=Asst. Commr.
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edited: corrections