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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama Office Surg in Chief B R F & A.L. Montgomery Ala Feby 14. 1868 Sir I have the honor to report, in obedience to "Special Orders No 13" dated State of Alabama, Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery Ala Feby 7. 1868, that assisted by Dr. George. P. Rex U.S.A. and Dr. W.E. Burleigh U.S.A. I have made a carefull and thorough investigation of the mental condition of Frank Williams, a citizen of Alabama, now in confinement in Dallas County Ala. by order of the Military authorities and that, in my opinion there is nothing whatever in his case indicative of insanity in any form. The prisoner converses rationally and intelligently on all subjects with which he is acquainted, and deviates in no respect so far as I could discover from the normal standard of mental and physical organization. I am Sir (over)
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