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discharged; the discharge being for effect on the election and not to cause suffering. A few such cases came to my notice. "Many found other places. Some employees discharged one set of hands for voting and immediately employed others who had been discharged for similar reason from [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] other establishments. On the whole much despondency has been caused among freedmen by this procedure; but all cases of actual destitution have been relieved when ascertained. We have corn meal on hand and tomorrow will be able to make an issue from the Soup Kitchen lately established in orders. Very respectfully Your obdt. Servant James Gillette Capt 15" Inf. Bvt. Maj. U.S.A. Sub - Asst. Commr.
Transcription Notes:
edited: per si, don't truncate words, the first word on page completed using last on the previous page, corrections