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Sub Dist. of Greenville
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Greenville. July 13 1868

Bvt Maj. Geo. Shorkley
A.A.A. General

I have the honor respectfully to report the third of a series of outrages perpetrated by bands of men disguised, upon defenceless freedmen and their families. Two were referred to in my last monthly report.

On the 2d of July, about midnight four men went upon Mrs. Bowden's place 10 or 12 miles from Greenville, and entered the cabin of Matt. McPherson, a freedman working for Bowden, and commenced abusing the inmates. An old woman, mother of Matt, was badly cut on the head by a blow from a pistol. At a short distance from Matt's, Abram Butler lived. He was waked by the screaming in Matt's house, and his wife started to go over to see what was the matter. On her way there she was met by four men disguised, who presented a pistol to her breast, and