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his influence and control over the men of his command. 
These statements can be substantiated by facts. 
1. It can be proven that on the 2d of July, when John T. Long Sheriff of Burler County, assaulted an officer elect of the incoming state government, without provocation, and declared his purpose to assault all the republicans in the place, and for nearly an hour kept the square at the depot in confusion and disorder, Lieut Dunn was a witness of the proceedings, and made no effort to quell the disturbance; although the civil authorities were on the ground, and allowed the breach of the peace to continue without interference.
2. That on the night of the 11th of July, while drinking with the brothers Long, at the bar of Isaac Long, he cursed the S.A. Commissioner of the Bureau, and said it would not take much to make him turn his men on him, in case of a difficulty. 
3. That on the afternoon of the 13th of July, when several violent men were congregated in from of Perry's bar room, on the public street, and very near my office, and one of them was there boisterously proclaiming that they had