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Head-Quarters Sub-District of Northern Alabama,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
HUNTSVILLE, ALA, Jany, 27 1868.

Bvt. Maj George Shorkley
Act'g Asst Adj't Gen'l B.R.F.&A.L.
Montgomery. Ala.

Capt Callis turned over to me among other Stores 16.115 pounds Gov't Bacon, 415 bushels Govt. Corn and 2472 sacks containing somewhat over two bushels each of "Relief Corn," all of which was sent here for gratuitous distribution to destitutes. The bacon is old, and unmerchantable though not entirely spoiled. the Gov't Corn is in good condition; the "Relief Corn" is musty and unfit for meal.
I have the honor to request authority to dispose of the above named stores by sale, or issue to destitutes, or both. their condition is such that but a low price can be expected to be realized from their sale; moreover there are in this and adjoining counties quite a large number