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helping freedmen to make proper contracts for labor and assisting them in getting pay for their labour &c &c The interest and welfare of the poor in this community absorbs a great deal of my time and means, and I have done it until self preservation and self justice requires that I should have compensation. From what was told by Major Tracy I expected compensation, from the govermt., his death prevented any further action in the matter for the time being. I make these above statements to you Major because you have an idea of the state of things in this county and also to assertain if there is no way by which I can be remunerated for my time trouble and expense that has been and is still appropriated to and for the benifit of the poor and needy, that as yet have no provision made by the State for their support, that is available for present needs of the sick and helpless.

Their wants and necessities are beyond my means to furnish them with such aid as they require to live. 

I make the foregoing statement Major that you may have a correct idea of the state of things in this county and in hopes you can suggest or make some arrangements for the benifit of all concerned. 

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully Yours &c
S Moore