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Witney says that his son told him that he was afraid of Lawrence planning to kill him because they had heard of him on the Creek man by where Harrison lives Shooting pistols and taking them away from negros- Witney says that all of the colored piople were afraid of Lawrence because they heard that [[strikethrough]]L [[strikethrough]]he would kill a man for [[$4.00]] Whitney says he left for maj Hunters office about 10 oclock Thursday night-[[strikethrough]] He [[strikethrough]]witney says that his distinct understanding when he left Maj Hunters office the he(Green) was to go ahead over to his Sons (the(Talon House) and come back and [[?]] maj Hunter [[Parsly?]] x Father [[Stanes?]] [[strikethrough]]and [strikethrough]]and that when he left office maj Hunter told him that he would give him one [[?]] [[plank?]] Witney says that he was one hour and forty minutes going 1 1/4 miles [[strikethrough]] [[Safronj? witeng]] says [[strikethrough]]

The least [[?]]