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[[(stamp)the national archives of the united states(stamp)]]
BA Jones, Complainant, (Sworn) 
On Monday I went to the field, found some corn cut down, accused Hester of Cutting the corn, Hester flew into a passion, I think the said she would quit, told her to quit if she wanted to, I think is about what I said. She left the field, went to the house, but returned to the field, remained on my place until Saturday next. Saturday morning I went to her house and told us if she had to come to the house to cook breakfast, she ought to leave her son Esquire and Jim Ware in the field until she cooked breakfast, she remarked if she could not have time to cook and eat, she would not stay on my place, and nobody else, it was about between 8 & 9 O.C. AM., I asked Jim if that was the way he had been accustomed to working and living, he said it was not, I then left for the field, and as Hester and Esquire was passing, called Esquire to me and stated to him what he says I did. 
Mr Jones further stated that the corn, he found out afterward, was not cut by Hester.