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Esquire (cold) (sworn)
Heard Mr Jones tell Mama if she could not come in my yard without quarrelling he wanted her to leave, she said she could leave, he told her to leave, I started to the field, Mama called me back, and we started, do not know whether Mr Jones meant for her to leave the yard, or the place, Mr Jones told me to tell Mama if she would let me come back and work out what she owed him, she might go, Mama told me I might go back, I asked her where she was going, I told her I did not want to go back unless she was there, the conversation between Mr Jones and Mama the Saturday morning we left, commenced by Mr Jones asking Mama what was the reason she did not leave us (myself and Jim here) in the field to work until she cooked breakfast, do not recollect Mama reply. 

Martha Mathews (cold) sworn
I heard Hester tell Mr Jones she was going to leave, did not hear Mr Jones tell her to leave.  

Every (cold) sworn 
I live on the McDade place (belonging to Mathews), heard Hester say she was going away, heard Mr Jones tell her to go and welcome, did not hear him say, go and welcome if she wanted to go