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Probate Office Union Springs
Bulloch County Ala 10 Jany 1868
Hon Commissioner Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Montgomery Ala
Your circular of 29 Dec 1867 was received several days since, and I find it exceedingly difficult to answer it satisfactorily for want of definite information "as to the extent of want of employment and consequent suffering" as exists or may exist during this year. I am satisfied it will be very considerable, for there is a very large number of farm producers to the best of times and owing to the depressed condition of the planting interest, that number will be largely increased the present year besides the appears to be a notion among a portion of the laborers in this section that they will be provided for by contributions from the North or to some other mysterious way, if they refuse to work for current rates of wages in shares of crops &c. This I fear will add to the number