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Hd Qrs Sub Dist Talladega
Talladega Ala Feb 1st 1868
Maj George Shorkley
AAA General 
Montgomery Ala
Your letter 27th ultimo enclosing Circular No 5 dated Hd Qrs Dist Alabama Montgomery Ala Dec 28 1868 is at hand. I would respectfully state that the goods referred to in my telegraph were Stationary Blanks and clothing shipped to me in early part Dec upon requisition from my Office dated Nov. During long period I had been deprived of said goods that were in R.R. Depot at this place, and repeated letters I had writen respecting them without any reply. And for two months have been compelled to purchase a very inferior article of stationary also have some blanks printed for use in my Office at my individual expense. My anxiety to obtain possession of these goods as soon as possible was so great that I finally resorted to telegraphing. I hope Major my explanation will prove satisfactory, and be assured I will endeavor to conform to requirements in the above mentioned Circular I have seen the R.R. Agent he says he heard nothing from transportation for said boxes, and refuses to deliver