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Sub Dist of Demopolis B.R.F. & A.L.
Demopolis Ala Apl 25/68:
A 205 R.F. & A.L. Vol 12, '68.

Pierce, C. W.
Sub Ass't Comm'r &c

Transmits dup. Vouchers for pay of C.A. Gale Acting Agent B.R.F. & A.L. Greensboro Ala, dating from Febr 17. 1868.
Solicit recognition & payment of same.

App't 100.
Feb 17
[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L., ALABAMA. OFFICE ASS'T COM'R. REC'D APR 20 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L. WASHINGTON REC'D MAY 11 1868 [[/stamp]]

E & M 709 S of A 1868
State of Ala B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery May 21, 1868

Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen O O Howard, Com'r &c Washington D. C. Application was made for the appointment of Mr. Gale as Agent which was returned stating that an officer would be asked, for for this vacancy. Mr. Claus the former Agent at that place (Greensboro Ala) had been assaulted and compelled to leave that place and the need of an Agent there induced Lieut Bennett to employ Mr. Gale which action was approved by the Asst Comm. There has been no officer to assign to that place, I would therefore most respectfully request that he be appointed Agent at a salary of One Hundred dollars ($100.00) per month to date Feby 17 1868 or that authority be given for payment for his services rendered up to May 1st 1868. He is still on duty.
O. L. Shepherd
Col Bvt Brig Gen U.S.A.
Asst Com'r

War Dept Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington May 11th 1868

Respectfully returned to Genl O.L. Shepherd, Asst. Com'r. of Alabama with appointment of Mr. Gale to date Febr 17, 68- enclosed as requested.
By order of 
Maj Genl O. O. Howard
F. D. Sewall
A.A.A. Genl