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Huntsville, Alabama
February 24th 1868

Colonel L. O. Shepard
Asst. Comr. B.R.F.& A.L.
Montgomery Ala.

Having been discharged from the Bureau as chief clerk in the office of this place, at the time General Hayden was placed in charge of the Bureau in this state, and another man placed in my position; and the cause of my removal seeming to me to be very unjust and for no cause other than that General Hayden understood that I was a relative and intimate friend of General Callis, I would respectfully ask that you do what you can to have the order revoked relieving me and if it is in your power to have me appointed by Sub asst. Comr at this place you would confer a great favor upon me by so doing, which would be duly appreciated. 
A communication was sent to General Howard regarding my removal, and I was notified that General Hayden's administration this far has been a very unsatisfactory one; and that my appointment as clerk had not as yet been revoked; and that an endorsement had been sent to General Hayden regarding it 
The truly loyal men of Huntsville can furnish you