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Office Sub Asst Comr B. R. F and A. L.
Sub Dist Huntsville Alabama.
Huntsville March 5th 1868.
Brt. Maj Gen Shorkley U.S.A.
Actg Asst Adjt Gen'l
Montgomery Ala. 

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 2nd inst. transmitting my appointment as Agent. Bureau R. F. & A. L. and assigning me to duty as Sub Assistant Commissioner, Sub District Huntsville. 
You state that I will execute and return the enclosed Oath; but you omitted to enclose it. I should execute the ordinary oath of office prescribed by act of Congress, but presume that some modification of, or addition to it will be required, and therefore shall await the receipt of the Oath required. 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
D. C. Rugg.
Sub Asst Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
Edited: lots of misspellings and words missing