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Office Sub Asst Comr B.R.F.&A.L.
Sub Dist of Huntsville, Ala.,
Huntsville, May 7th, 1868.
RD Harper.
Supt Education BRF&AL.
Montgomery, Ala. 

In reference to the property of Fr. Sulzner, at Athens Ala. I have the honor to state that from on or before the 5th day of April 1865, until about the 1st day of November 1867, it was reported upon the monthly returns of the Sub Asst Com'r Sub District of Huntsville Ala, as "abandoned" property; that during that time the records of this office do not show, that any pretense was set up that the property was erroneously so reported, nor was any claim for rent for its use attempted to be established. Upon the receipt of Special Orders No. 81 dated  "Hd Qrs Dist. of Alabama, Bureau R.F.&A.L., Montogmery, Ala, Nov 26th 1867" Copy of which is herewith transmitted-directing the

Transcription Notes:
Edited: missing words