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She order directing me to come to this place for duty, took me entirely by surprise and to a certainly, it has left my business in Huntsville in a very unfavorable condition, I feel however so long as I remain in the Buraeu, duty bound to obey all orders with as much promptness as though I were in the military twice. 
I wrote you some time since regarding the appointment of Sub. Assh. commissioner at Huntsville Ala. and not having received any reply, I would simply respectfully call your attention to the matter. 
I only ask that justice be done me and if civilians are to fill the positions of but Assh. Comr's it seems to me that justice would say that I am the person legally entitled to the position at Huntsville - I was Genl. Callis Chief from July 20th 1866, until he was releived, and having fill the position to his entire satisfaction, and being well posted in the Bureau matters, and believing and feeling that I have done my whole duty, since I have been connected with