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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Huntsville Ala Oct 6" 1868.
Commanding Officer Post -

Pursuant to instructions received from superior authority, the Bvt Brig Genl Commanding directs that you will at once report whether there are any records of discontinued Colored commands at your Post, or if you have knowledge of such or of the records of Offices of Superintendents of recruitment of the records of Provost Marshal Offices, and will make a thorough search of all such records and forward all Enlistment papers of Colored Troops and all records of any description bearing upon the freedom or slavery of the men enlisted. Report upon this matter whether any records are found or not.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdnt Servant
Signed F. T. Adams
1st Lieut 33d Infantry

F. T. Adams 
1st Lieut 33d Infantry A. A. A. Gen'l.