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Head Quarters Dist. of Florida
Bureau R.F.& A. Lands
Jacksonville Fla. Feby. 14, 1868

Bvt. Brig. Gen'l. J. Hayden
Assistant Commissioner, Bu. R.F & A.L
State of Alabama.



I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of date January 30th ult. requesting a file of General Orders and Circulars, from my office as Asst. Commissioner, since 1865.

I take pleasure in sending copies of all Circulars that are printed. The greater part of those issued by General Foster and by myself, were never printed. I would cheerfully send you copies of these, but my clerical force is hardly adequate to the work already before them, but should opportunity occur, I will send them. 

I would be pleased to have you reciprocate, so far as possible, without inconvenience. 

I am, General,
Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Serv't,
John T. Sprague,
Col. 4th Infty, Asst. Commissioner 

Transcription Notes:
on the second line of the body of the letter, after the "January 30th", I think that the word is "ult". meaning ultimo mense, (last month)